About Us
You can be a light of the world. You are in right place & we are here to help you.
God invites us to be the light of the world and to live and share the light with everyone. Jesus said that I am the Light of the World. Many a time the needy people are voiceless and helpless. How can we find them and help them?
“Life in Light” is a very big family. The seed was planted with the team of people in India and people here in United States. The project is motivated and supported by Joint Social Concerns Committee of St. Anthony, St. Mary's & Holy family parishioners and their families.
The main goal of the project is to provide good food, quality education, supporting the orphans and widows in India. The other goal of the project is doing evangelization through Media Mission.
LIFE IN LIGHT: Project towards India
Collaboration with MAEGA TRUST
In India, 70% of total population live an average life and 30% of the seventy are still in utter poverty. Most of the women get married at their young age and if their husband die, they are not allowed to remarry. Unfortunately, the widows are forced to run the family work for their children. The orphans and the communities discriminated by the caste system of India, the families headed with a widow or single parent face lot of economic problems. Mostly they are unemployed or depend on daily wages with unorganized sectors. Also, the children do not have proper food and protection, they do not grow in a healthy situation. The children are mostly depended on up to their college studies.
The average income of the individual is not enough for their daily needs, in most deserved cases there is only one bread winner in the family. In a family of 5persons they need approximately $400 per month but they are only able to earn $100 or sometimes they earn less than that. Most of the time they live in a dream or live with very minimum satisfaction. For many of the children college studies with the quality education and happy life are still only in dreams.
If you are blessed and having a good life with loving family, can you spend some time to think of these unfortunate children and family? Why can’t you share your blessings with them? And let them also have a good life with good food and protection.
We started helping with 3 families, 5 children and 2 adults. At present, we are helping more than 450 children, 45 families and elders. We found these children and families are affected by the evil faces of the society are abused. Most of the children are orphans. The families are living in utter poverty. The elders do not have any kind of medical insurance and abandoned by their children. Every day, we come across with lot of genuine cases. If you are ready to share your blessings with these people ‘YES’, we can do wonder in their life. Will you share your light with them by saying prayers or by sending donations for this wonderful cause?
We are happy that you are one in our family which is big family, the family of “life in light”.
We personally thank you all for your generosity and good heart to help people those who are really in need. We expect your continued support and donations related to this Mission.
Let the good Lord give you the real joy of sharing and
Abundant blessings upon you and your family